
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

[MyTuneBD.Com] Talk on "Science & Politics of Genetic Engineering".

Living Farms,

1181/2146, Ratnakar Bag – 2,

Tankapani Road

Bhubaneswar – 751018


DT: 26.08.08



Talk by Dr Michael Hansen, Senior Staff Scientist, Consumers Union, USA on "The Science and Politics of Genetic Engineering", at IMAGE, Aug 23rd 2008.


Bhubaneswar: Dr Michael Hansen Senior Scientist Consumers Union, USA, delivered a talk on "The Science and Politics of Genetic Engineering" at IMAGE Conference Hall on the 23rd of August. Hosted by Living Farms, Bhubaneswar, this discussion session was attended by GVV Sharma, Revenue Secretary, Prof Radhamohan, former State Information Commissioner, Director Biotechnology, Government of Orissa, Vice Chancellor OUAT, Director OUAT and other eminent scientists from OUAT, CRRI, CTCRI, CIFA, doctors from Institute of Life Sciences, Regional Medical Research Centre, Government Ayurvedic Hospital, Jana Swasthya Abhiyan, Professors from the Utkal University, eminent social workers, media persons and activists. The session was chaired by Dr Dhanada Mishra, Chairman, Human Development Foundation.


Dr Michael Hansen in his talk pointed out the imprecise nature of Genetic Engineering. There is no way to ensure the intended effect and the process is highly unpredictable, he said. He cited various scientific studies to point out the adverse effects this technology was having on agriculture as well as health of farmers and consumers world wide. He busted the myth of high yield and low pesticide use being associated with the Genetically Modified (GM) crops by showing statistics that showed such effects were temporary and GM crops fared much worse than their traditional counterparts in the long run.


He also criticized the proponents of GM crops for trying to project GM crops as the solution to the food crisis that loomed ahead. GM technology was yet to fathom all the conditions behind increased yield and therefore such statements were mischievous he stated.  The companies advocating GM crops were the ones that once said DDT was safe for humans. Thus it will be fallacious to assume that these industries are doling out correct information.


The solution to the present crisis is not a new and untested technology but exploring other safe and sure methods that exist but are ignored because they cannot be exploited for profit by the industry. He exposed the industry science nexus by quoting from correspondence between the companies advocating GM crops and the scientists and institutions that supported their views.


The effect of GM foods on the health of consumers has never been seriously studied, he said. He cited medical studies which pointed out that the foreign proteins created by the inserted Bt gene over stimulate the immune system and cause allergenicity. Studies on rats and mice have revealed serious health disorders that have never been seriously followed up. In India cultivation of Bt Cotton, a genetically modified crop has been allowed in a few States. This is not a food crop and yet those handling it have come down with severe allergies. The crop by products eaten by cattle and other animals has affected them severely. What would happen when genetically modified food crops are introduced is a question all Indians should seriously ponder upon, he suggested.


Genetic Engineering is reductionist in approach that fails to study the local ecology and evolve holistic solutions, Dr Hansen revealed.


Dr D P Ray, Vice Chancellor, OUAT, said that his institution was indeed concentrating upon alternating methods than jumping into the GM bandwagon. He said industry sponsored studies should not be taken at their face value. Higher yields can be possible by ensuring the fertility of the soil, choosing appropriate crops, lessening chemical inputs and using such methods as Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) that did not require the physical insertion of foreign genes. Orissa is a State with a rich biodiversity. It would not be wise to let Genetically Modified crops contaminate this, he emphasised.


The Dean, Agriculture, OUAT, was of the opinion that GM technology was a risk that should be best avoided. The first generation crops were already proving to have serious adverse effects. When the second and third generation crops would be introduced the effect would be disastrous, he said.


Prof Radhamohan was of the opinion that Genetically Modified crops should be rejected per se, a view that found favour with a large section of the audience who were shocked at the revelations. They agreed with Dr Michael Hansen that agriculture and food production is too important to be left to profit seeking industries. "We need to have a knowledge based approach and not brute force that seeks to change nature with an untested and imprecise technology that was already showing its seamy side."


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks and an appeal to the policy makers to review their stand on Genetically Modified crops. The need of the hour was ecology friendly sustainable agriculture that produced safe and nourishing food using nature as a friend and not going against its rules that have been shaped by centuries of careful adaptation, opined Dr Dhanada Mishra who chaired the session.




Debjeet Sarangi & Jagannath Chatterjee

Living Farms, Bhubaneswar.


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