
Monday, March 10, 2008

[MyTuneBD.Com] Final draft of a letter to Danish ambassador for suggestions and amendments by tommorrow


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Contact person: Abdel-rahman Mohammad, Secretary, JMPF: 09091390490




His Excellency Mr. Freddy Svane,

Ambassador of Denmark,



March 11, 2008


Subject: Letter of thanks and about future course of action


Your Excellency,


1        Even though it is a bit late, we take this opportunity to thank you for the nice meeting and discussion we had with you on Friday, 29th February.  We also thank you further for the elaborate arrangements you had made to welcome us by preparing a special signboard welcoming the undersigned on behalf of your embassy.  We regard it as an honor not for any specific individual but for all the 37 Muslim organizations participating in this matter.

2        Some more Muslim organizations also want to include their names in support of the Protest Letter submitted to Your Excellency on Friday.  I will convey their names to you later.

3        We also welcome Your Excellency's repeated offer for dialogue by coming to our places or centers, even your readiness to go to Osaka, as expressed to our delegate from Osaka Muslim Association during the last meeting.   

4        On March 23rd, some of our participant organizations are celebrating the birthday of our Prophet (peace be upon him).  There may be some meeting in some hall in the evening on that day.   If you have no other important schedule in the evening of March 23, Sunday, some of our organizations would like to invite you to their birthday-celebration meetings to hear your views about the personality and contributions of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on such a solemn occasion. Specific time and venue of such meetings will be communicated to you after getting your reply about such a possibility and also after the availability of any such public hall is confirmed at our end. 

5        Another idea floating in the minds of some of our members is to have a joint Press Conference at Japan Press Center in Hibiya and both sides to reply to the questions of Japanese Media.  Before making any final decision in our next meeting, we would like to know the views of Your Excellency in this regard. We will make some specific plans in this respect in the next meeting of our Federation on March 14 and request your reply on the above matters before it.

6        We also want to take this opportunity to thank your Prime Minster for his statement that he does not support demonizing any specific religious or ethnic group in Denmark.  As all members of our delegation emphasized on Friday, we request the Prime Minister to frame laws in Denmark in support of his own statement.  The 17 newspapers in your country do not respect the position of your government and they are repeating the same biased demonizing of a specific religious group, i.e. ourselves, on a false plea of freedom of speech, which your Prime Minster says that he does not support. 

7        As the demonstrations against your country are still going on in Muslim countries, we suggest your Prime Minister to call a meeting of those 17 newspaper editors and to persuade them, in the interest of keeping the goodwill of Denmark among the Muslims living in almost all parts of the globe, to issue a joint statement of apology to pacify the sacred religious sentiments of Muslims.  We hope, your Prime Minister may easily persuade these editors citing instances of Japan, U.S.A and several other European countries, where freedom of expression has been voluntarily restricted and has not been misused deliberately against the religious authorities of any denomination on such a mass scale as the concerted action of your 17 newspapers.

8        As the latest figures up to the end of 2007 show that the population of Muslims has now increased to 1.87 billion, instead of 1.2 billion as we had been writing in previous letters.  They will not be satisfied unless the words of your Prime Minister are transformed into some sort of positive and even legal action as well. Muslim governments may ban your goods or not but, on individual level, these billions of Muslims in the world will continue the boycott of Danish goods unless their sentiments are pacified by framing of blasphemy laws protecting all religious figureheads including Islam and Christianity.

9        Unfortunately, the blasphemy laws in Britain protect only Christianity and not Islam. But the major newspapers in England are not like those in your country.  They follow some ethical code and journalistic traditions.  It is a matter of regret and a great loss to Denmark itself in different respects that the newspapers in your country are not ready to follow any ethical standards and have continued demonizing our Prophet (peace be upon him) repeatedly.   Laws may not be necessary in those countries where the media follows some self-imposed ethics as in Japan, United States or even in some European countries.  Therefore, we request the Prime Minister of Denmark to enact laws respecting the religion of 1.87 billion Muslims in the world in interest of Denmark itself to promote its goodwill among all people in this global village of about 6.5 billion residents.

10    After reading the news of our delegation's meeting with your Excellency, we have been receiving encouraging mails and suggestions from all over the world.  We are reproducing below one of them, which shed better light on our position. It is from the Editor of an Islamic monthly magazine, IMPACT, which was being published from London for last several years.

----- Original Message -----
From: "M Faruqi" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Photos of Meeting with Danish ambassador and
> Wa-alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
> Congratulations to all for conveying to the Danish government through their ambassador in Tokyo their expression of revulsion as well as rejection of the willful sacrilege against the Prophet, peace be upon him, going on in Denmark. But what did the Danish ambassador say to the Muslim delegation?
> However, as to your demand that the Danish government enact a law against sacrilege, I copy below a news story (Jyllands-Posten Rejected Jesus Satire) which shows that given good sense and moral will, newspapers can and do refuse to publish profane and blasphemous caricature or stories.  

May be you can tell this to the ambassador.
> SPIEGEL ONLINE - February 8, 2006, 06:26 PM
> URL:,1518,399840,00.html
Jyllands-Posten Rejected Jesus Satire
> By Carsten Volkery
> With the publication of 12 Muhammad cartoons, Denmark's Jyllands-Posten newspaper wanted to send a message about self-censorship. A competing Danish paper is now reporting that the paper rejected similar satirical comics of Jesus.
> Do the editors of Jyllands-Posten apply double standards?
Do the editors of Jyllands-Posten apply double standards?
> Although the strife over the Muhammad cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten already feels like it's been going on for a small eternity, new angles continue to pop up each day. The latest comes from the Danish daily Politiken, conservative Jyllands-Posten's more  left-leaning competitor.
> On Saturday, Politiken printed a series of caricatures of Jesus on its editorial page. Next to them, the paper reprinted an e-mail exchange from April 2003 in which a leading Jyllands-Posten editor rejected publication of satirical cartoons depicting Jesus Christ. His reasoning?
> "I don't think the readers of Jyllands-Posten would be pleased with the drawings. I think they would cause an outrage. That's why I won't use them."
> That line of reasoning, of course, is raising eyebrows this week. Does the newspaper responsible for launching the battle over the Muhammad caricatures, which now presents itself as a champion of free speech, apply a different standard for its Christian readers? "It does look a little like hypocrisy," said Politiken opinion page editor Jacob Fuglsand.
> Reached by telephone, Jens Kaiser, the Jyllands-Posten editor responsible for the email said he now regrets the wording of the message. "I could not foresee that my kind refusal would be published three years later. My fault was that I didn't tell him what I really meant. The cartoons were just bad."
> Ultimately, however, the Jesus cartoons were an unfortunate coincidence. The self-employed illustrator responsible for them, Christoffer Zieler, sent the unsolicited Jesus caricatures to the newspaper just before Easter 2003. "He suggested that we print them on Easter Sunday," Kaiser recalled, but he rejected them, "like 95 percent of all submissions." Kaiser also explained that he often tried to use more polite methods of brushing off illustrators than to simply tell them their work was lousy.
> Sign up for Spiegel Online's daily newsletter and get the best of Der Spiegel's and Spiegel Online's international coverage in your In- Box everyday.
 But in today's loaded atmosphere, the e-mail is proving explosive. The decision showed a "double standard" a member of the Muslim interest group told Britain's Guardian. Politiken first learned of the drawings after the illustrator contacted the newspaper. "I found that it was a nice story that opens a new angle on the dilemmas an editor faces," Fuglsand said. Of course, editors also love nothing better the opportunity to take a stab at the competition.
> All Rights Reserved
> Reproduction only allowed with the permission of SPIEGELnet GmbH

Your Excellency, the above story from authentic European sources clearly indicates the double standards used by those 17 newspapers in the name of freedom of expression.  This unfair and biased attitude of your country's newspapers is damaging the interests of Denmark itself.  This situation calls for immediate legislation to stop such unethical and biased freedom of speech hurting the sentiments of over one-fifth population of the world.

Also please have a look on another mail being circulated among the Muslims in Japan.  It also cites the web addresses where photos and videos of our demonstration and meeting with Your Excellency are also available for your reference.

----- Original Message -----

From: Imran Al-Haq

Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 11:52 AM

Subject: Photo Coverage of Demonstration - Tokyo

Dear TIACO members,


It is aginst my philosophy to post things on a multi-linguistic e-Group that are in anyother language than English, but today I am doing it for the first time in my life. Please accept my thousand apologies for this. The TEXT is in URDU language. Non-Urdu readers are requested to please ignore the text; but, please do have a look on the photos showing that MUSLIMS DELEGATION had a dialogue with the Ambassador of Denamrk on the issue of caricatures/cartoons.

The following two sources are two Online Urdu News Sources (based in Tokyo)


It may give a peace of mind to our all muslims (including me) that Muslims in Japan staged a very peaceful protest in a civilized manner.

Photo Coverage on YouTube (with Arabic playback)


This demonstration was the first in the history of Japan when Muslims were represented not only by Pakistanis but by a multi-linguistic, muli-cultural, multi-national representatives from Uzbikstan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Chad, Africa, and even Japanese Muslim (see photos).

 DENMARK - We will not buy your products

MUSLIMS in Middle East, please stop shopping from any super market/store that sells Danish products.



M. Imran Al-Haq, PhD

Database Administrator

Japan Muslims Peace Federation"

Your Excellency, the above mail indicates the feelings and sentiments of Muslims in Japan with photographic evidence.  Moreover, the above-quoted two sites of Urdu networks are also displaying complete coverage of our discussions with Your Excellency in English.  These videos are being viewed by Muslims all over the world, as I think, we are the only Muslims in Japan who have maintained a dialogue with Your Excellency and a line of communication with the Danish government through Your Excellency's good offices.

Looking forward to your kind response to all the above matters before March 14, we remain,






Hussain Khan,



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